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6th-12th Grade

 Our Mission: Growing with God among friends. 

 Our Vision: Everyone with a friend, everyone with a place.

Week of 3/31/24 

Good Morning Mission Families!


We had a great night on Sunday learning a little more about Holy Week and what we are celebrating. We’ve attached the video that we watched in case anyone wants to watch it. It’s a great overview of Holy Week and what Jesus went through for us!

If you don’t have a church to go to, we invite you to celebrate with us at Southridge. We have a Maunday Thursday service at 7:00 on Thursday and Easter Celebration at 10:00 on Sunday. We’d love to see you there!

We will NOT be meeting on Sunday nights, March 31st and April 7th. Hoping you all have a great break! For those of you on break this week, we missed you on Sunday and hope you are enjoying your time away.

We will be having a game day on Wednesday April 3rd from 12-3. We will use the first 30 minutes or so helping to pick up sticks around the Mission house and church. Would love to see as many of you as possible!

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter!



He is Risen!

Elizabeth and Stacey

Holy Week Services

Join Southridge Church for our Holy Week Services!


Maundy Thursday

Thursday, March 28th at 7:00pm

Celebration of the Lord's Supper

Pounding of the nails


"Two Bowls"

Matthew 27:24 (LB), John 13:5 (CEV)



Sunday, March 31st

An amazing morning of praise and worship


"The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make"

John 20:1-8

Food and Needs list Sign Up!

IMPORTANT - in order for our progam to be successful, we need food support for this Mission and Jr. Mission semester! The links to sign up are below.


For the food sign up we still need the following dates covered:

4/28, 5/5, and 6/2

Thank you for helping us fill these slots!

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