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6th-12th Grade

 Our Mission: Growing with God among friends. 

 Our Vision: Everyone with a friend, everyone with a place.

Week of 3/10/24 

Good Morning Mission Families!


We had a great night Sunday playing games, great food, and learning about “Kindness”. We learned about that it’s not just about random acts of kindness, but kindness as a lifestyle. We learned that it involves 3 parts, Our words, our actions, and our attitudes. We were all challenged to live out a lifestyle of kindness so that others would see Jesus living through us.


This week we will not have regular programming, but a night of games, food, and conversations. We look forward to another great night together!


Please look at our needs lists and volunteer opportunities. We appreciate your investment in the students!


Have a great week!

Elizabeth and Stacey

Food and Needs list Sign Up!

IMPORTANT - in order for our progam to be successful, we need food support for this Mission and Jr. Mission semester! The links to sign up are below.


For the food sign up we still need the following dates covered:

4/28, 5/5, 6/2 and 6/9

Thank you for helping us fill these slots!

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