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6th-12th Grade

 Our Mission: Growing with God among friends. 

 Our Vision: Everyone with a friend, everyone with a place.

Week of 3/3/24 

Hello Mission Families!


This past Sunday we talked about Salvation and the steps we need to take individually to be assured of our eternity in heaven.  We watched a video of a train master sacrificing his own son to save the many passengers on the train. We compared this to the sacrifice God made by sending His son as a sacrifice for all of us.

This week we will be talking about “Kindness and Compassion". We hope to see everyone again this week.

On the menu this week is Chicken Alfredo!  YUM!

Have a great week!

Elizabeth and Stacey

On the Menu:
Chicken Alfredo!

Screenshot 2024-02-27 at 11.26.10 AM.png

Food Sign Up!

IMPORTANT - in order for our progam to be successful, we need food support for this Mission and Jr. Mission semester! The links to sign up are below.


For the food sign up we still need the following dates covered:

4/28, 5/5, 6/2 and 6/9

Thank you for helping us fill these slots!

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