6th-12th Grade
Our Mission: Growing with God among friends.
Our Vision: Everyone with a friend, everyone with a place.
Week of 09/22/24
Hello Ridge 6-12 students and families!
It was another great Sunday night at Ridge 6-12!
We welcomed back many of our regular attendees and some new ones too!
Our evening started off again with our Ridge Riders. These students are practicing for their final ride, which will be on the 29th of this month, in Three Rivers.
We were able to have the youth band lead us in worship! It was wonderful having our own students sharing their gifts to worship God!
We started learning about Joshua this week and introduced our theme verse, which is "Have i not commanded you? Be strong and courageous, Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
The enthusiasm and excitement continued! The laughs and conversations during our meal time were contagious!
We have several exciting events happening at Ridge 6-12! On October 27, the students will be sponsoring Fallapalooza! Sign ups will start this week. We also have our weekend for Ice Camp scheduled for January 24-26. The link is provided to start signing up: the link. This is a popular event, so don't wait to sign up or you may not get a spot.
We also introduced our mission trip to Costa Rica July 12-20 2025! This is a life changing experience you won't want to miss. Sign ups will start soon.
We look forward to seeing everyone again Sunday! Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns!
Praying you all have a blessed week!
Elizabeth and Stacey