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6th-12th Grade

Our Mission: Growing with God among friends. 

Our Vision: Everyone with a friend, everyone with a place.

Week of 7/23/23

Mission Families -- 


Please join us for a fun movie night event on August 2nd! We will be watching Jesus Revolution. We will meet from 6-9. Snacks will be provided.

See you then!

Mission Leaders

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Scoop and VBS Help!

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This year Vacation Bible School looks a little different and we could use your help! Look at the events listed above to see if you would be able to join us as we minister to the community!

Week of 5/28/23

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Mission Families -- 


We will not be meeting Sunday, May 28th.  

Please bring a friend and join us for the June 4th end of session celebration!!  Games, tie dye, food, friends, fellowship and FUN!

See you then!

Mission Leaders

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125).

Scoop and VBS Help!

Summer with Southridge.png

This year Vacation Bible School looks a little different and we could use your help! Look at the events listed above to see if you would be able to join us as we minister to the community!

On the Menu:

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Week of 5/14/23

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Mission Families,


There is NO meeting this week as it is Mother's Day! We will meet again the following Sunday, May 21st.

See you then!

Mission Leaders

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Click below for our newest fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip!

Scoop and VBS Help!

Summer with Southridge.png

This year Vacation Bible School looks a little different and we could use your help! Look at the events listed above to see if you would be able to join us as we minister to the community!

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Week of 5/7/23

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Mission Families,


This Sunday we continued to learn about our Passion -- things you're interested in, excited about, driven by, and burdened by.  Passion is what guides our lives with God’s precision. This week we will be learning about "My Calling" where the big thought is "Your best service is to live out your purpose.".


Save the date for our June 4th end of year celebration!  Bring a friend - there will be amazing games, food, and fun!  


If anyone is interested in the bike trip and hasn't signed up, see below for more information!


Looking forward to seeing you Sunday at 6:00!

Mission Leaders

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Click below for our newest fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip!

Scoop and VBS Help!

Summer with Southridge.png

This year Vacation Bible School looks a little different and we could use your help! Look at the events listed above to see if you would be able to join us as we minister to the community!

On the Menu:
Spagetti or sloppy joe

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Week of 4/30/23

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Mission Families -


This Sunday we learned about our Passion -- things you're interested in, excited about, driven by, and burdened by.  Passion is what guides our lives with God’s precision. Without knowing our true passion, we tend to use our gifting—our talents and abilities—to live for things that in the end are less than God’s best.  The youth looked over their answers to these questions to help them determine what they are most passionate about.  


HOMEWORK -- This coming Sunday we will continue to learn about our Passion.  The kids have been asked to see what passions OTHER people see in them.  They will then bring their words back on Sunday to build on them during the lesson.  An example text or email is below and should be sent to:

  • 2 parents, grandparents, or people who are like parents to you 

  • 2 teachers, coaches, or other adult leaders in places you go 

  • 2 friends

  • 2 other people of any category


Hi! I’m going through a program called Younique that’s helping me learn more about myself. Would you help me? As you see it, what THREE words describe what I am most passionate about? (These words aren’t for describing me; they’re to describe my passions.) Text back three words only, please.  Thank you!


Looking forward to seeing you Sunday at 6:00!

Mission Leaders 

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Click below for our newest fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip!

Scoop and VBS Help!

Summer with Southridge.png

This year Vacation Bible School looks a little different and we could use your help! Look at the events listed above to see if you would be able to join us as we minister to the community!

On the Menu:
Tacos OR Ham Sliders!

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Week of 4/23/23

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Mission Families -


Sunday we learned that no on one earth has your story or your unique gifting; that we are all a one-of-a-kind divine design.  The lesson this week be on our passions.  Passions help us answer the "why" question of our lives -- why and where we can put our giftings into practice for the greatest benefit of those around us.  The big thought is "Avoid the distraction to name your passion".  


Last week in the gifting section we offered a free gifting assessment.  Each student is encouraged to complete this assessment so they can build from this.  The instructions are below (along with the coupon code so the assessment is FREE). 


We are excited to see the kids this coming Sunday at 6:00 for food, fellowship and FUN!!  


See you Sunday!

Directions to get the free assessment, read below:

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Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Click below for our newest fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip!

Scoop and VBS Help!

Summer with Southridge.png

This year Vacation Bible School looks a little different and we could use your help! Look at the events listed above to see if you would be able to join us as we minister to the community!

On the Menu:
Pulled Pork!

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Week of 4/16/23

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Mission Families -


We are excited to see the kids this coming Sunday at 6:00 for food, fellowship and FUN!!  The lesson this week will continue on with the theme of "my gifting".  The big thought is "You were made different in order to make a difference".  There is a *free​* assessment that can be done at home as PRE-WORK, the information is below.  


See you Sunday!  

Directions to get the free assessment, read below:

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Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Click below for our newest fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip!

On the Menu:
Spaghetti or Sloppy Joes!

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Week of 3/27/23

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Mission Families,

We had a great time this week learning about what our names mean and how "your gifts are a sign of your divine design".  We will have the next TWO weeks off due to spring break and Easter, so we will see the kids back on April 16th at 6:00.  

Enjoy the time with your families and we pray you all have a fabulous Easter!


~Your Mission Leaders

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Click below for our newest fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip!

On the Menu:
Something Delicious!


Week of 3/20/23

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Mission Families,


This Sunday we started the Student Life Plan which is an 8-session journey that helps students name their unique call from God, based on Ephesians 2:10. Students each got their own book to for notetaking from the video and small group time.  Three things that we learned from the Big Thought of "You are more unique than you think":


1. You are God’s masterpiece.

2. If you trust and follow Jesus, God gives you a calling—the good things that only you can do.

3. Knowing your calling comes from knowing your story.


This week we will continue with "My Gifting" by digging deeper into our life stories to figure out how we are going to do the things God has planned for us to do.  

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Click below for our newest fundraiser to help with the cost of the trip!

On the Menu:


Week of 3/13/23

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Mission Families,

Our small group leaders will continue to provide regular programming during this time of transition. The Mission will be studying the Student Life Plan for the remainder of this school year.  The Student Life Plan is an 8-session journey that helps students name their unique call from God. Students use tools and assessments designed to help them name their special assignment from God.  The Mission students will discover incredible truths about God and themselves that will change the way they think and live every day.  We will continue to have plenty of time for food, fellowship and fun every Sunday night! 

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Any interested adults can also register via the same link (cost for adults is $125). Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost!

On the Menu:
TBD - something delicious!


Week of 3/6/23

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Mission Families,

Stacey Weessies, one of our small group leaders, will be providing the message this week!  The message is based on 1 Timothy 4:12, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity". ​

We hope you can join us to discover what God has to teach us! 


Game Time!

After our small group discussion time we'll be playing kickball in the gym.

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost!

On the Menu:
Hot Sandwiches & Soup

Mission Needs:

Please consider adding an item below to your grocery list for Mission meals. Thank You!!

- Juice Boxes

- 2L of pop or lemonade (we use 3 per week)

- Nabisco cookie variety packs (the ones with Oreos are the favorites)

- 8oz water bottles

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Week of 2/27/23

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Mission Families,

Elizabeth Terpstra will lead The Mission this week. We will continue watching "The Chosen" (TV-PG) and will have discussion questions during the small group time to reflect on what we watched.

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. A $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up, total cost is $225. Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost!

On the Menu:
Pasta & Salad

Mission Needs:

Please consider adding an item below to your grocery list for Mission meals. Thank You!!

- Juice Boxes

- 2L of pop or lemonade (we use 3 per week)

- Nabisco cookie variety packs (the ones with Oreos are the favorites)

- 8oz water bottles

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Week of 2/13/23

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A Message from Elizabeth Terpstra:

Mission Families,

The next few weeks will look a little different as Ben is taking some time off and will not be leading The Mission. Stacey Weessies has graciously agreed to lead this week. We will be watching "The Chosen" (TV-PG) for the next few weeks and will have discussion questions during the small group time to reflect on what we watched.

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. Early-bird pricing has expired but a $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up. Total cost is now $225.  Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost!

On the Menu:
ot Dog Bar

Mission Needs:

Please consider adding an item below to your grocery list for Mission meals. Thank You!!

- Juice Boxes

- 2L of pop or lemonade (we use 3 per week)

- Nabisco cookie variety packs (the ones with Oreos are the favorites)

- 8oz water bottles

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Week of 2/6/23

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Mission Families:


Jesus was a storyteller. We can learn a lot about how to communicate well by studying the words of Jesus and trying to speak as he did. We’ve been telling stories at The Mission. In weeks past we’ve told the stories of The Squatters, Crazy Bread Guy, and Dodgeball Girl, tying each story to various scripture passages and themes. This week the story was about Kevin the Artist. 


Kevin is a real person that I met several months ago. We’ve formed a close relationship as I’ve been blessed to help him navigate a tumultuous time in life. A cross-country move, a new job, trying to make friends. We’ve all experienced a version of this story - a new school, a new city, a new relationship, the loss of a friend, etc. Life flows in seasons. Some relatively carefree, others fraught with difficulty and pain. 


I invited Kevin to come to The Mission and share a few short pieces of his testimony, mainly about how he had come to know that God was real, and that God cared about him. He described a situation in which he felt completely powerless and alone. Battered and bruised by a cruel world, he questioned whether life was worth living. In desperation he asked God for a sign, and God delivered the sign in the form of a guitar teacher. 


While some scriptures invite us to test God (Malachi 3, Judges 6), there are others that caution us (Matthew 4, Deut 6, Exodus 17). Our God is a covenant God. He always does what he promises, and he invites us to test his promises as we follow his commands to love one another. Short story: our God is not a genie in a bottle, and shouldn’t be treated as such through the use of demands or ultimatums. We don’t make deals with God. God makes covenants with us. 


The scripture for the week was 1 Kings 17:8-16, in which God sustains the prophet Elijah during a drought through the provision of a widow and her son. The starving pair, though they have only enough flour for one last meal, welcome Elijah to share what they have. As a result of their actions, the flour and oil used to bake the bread become a limitless and miraculous supply of sustenance for all three people in the story. The flour does not run out. The oil does not run out. The Lord sustains Elijah until the rains come. The widow and her son are saved in the process. 


The point of the story: God sustains those that he calls. And God is calling you. God’s invitation to you is open, and he will never turn his attention away from you. You are never out of God’s reach. He will always pursue you. He will always find you. He will always sustain you, even when (especially when) you feel you’re at the end of your own strength. Within God there is limitless power, certainly enough to sustain a relationship with every person he calls. He calls us each by name, inviting us into a relationship with him. 


God’s call to us often comes in moments when we feel powerless. When we realize our powerlessness, that’s often when we’re most able to hear God’s voice, and feel his presence. And that’s often when we’re finally ready to listen. 


Kevin’s story took an unexpected turn as the topic of suicide came into the conversation. While we segued fairly rapidly into the next part of the discussion, I recognize this is a heavy topic and even a brief mention may weigh heavily on some that were in the room last night, especially in light of recent events in our community. I apologize for this unexpected turn, and for any resulting harm that may have occurred. I’ll be increasing the level of preparation around testimonies or guest speakers to reduce the risk of this happening again. 


It was not our intention to facilitate a conversation around suicide on Sunday night. If that had been our intention we would have notified parents in advance as we would when we’re planning to discuss any “hot topic” like identity, sexuality, addiction, etc. We know that difficult topics will sometimes arise in the course of discussion and our intention is always to handle those conversations with the utmost of care, including follow up conversations if necessary. 


If you or anyone you know felt unsettled by the conversation Sunday night, please reach out. My email is, and my cell phone is 269-303-5229. If you would prefer to speak with someone other than me, Dave Scholz is available at


Our goal at the Mission is always to partner with parents and guardians in helping to raise up the next generation of Christians from within the context of a strong faith community. Our Mission Leaders are here for you, to be that community. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time to discuss anything related to The Mission, our programs, or the well-being of your student. 


In Christ,


Benjamin Dykstra

Mission Director


Let's have a party! Bring your favorite Superbowl food if you'd like. We'll have queso and wings, plus whatever you bring! Invite your family and friends - we'll have the game going in two locations, and the gym will be available for play. You can leave at halftime or stay for the entire game. See you there!!

Bike Trip

Click the link at the top right of this page to get registered. Early-bird pricing has expired but a $50 deposit is all that is required to sign-up. Total cost is now $225.  Keep an eye out for upcoming fundraising opportunities to help offset the cost!

On the Menu: Superbowl Food

Mission Needs:

Please consider adding an item below to your grocery list for Mission meals. Thank You!!

- Juice Boxes

- 2L of pop or lemonade (we use 3 per week)

- Nabisco cookie variety packs (the ones with Oreos are the favorites)

- 8oz water bottles


Week of 1/24/23


It was the greatest moment in sports I've ever personally witnessed. This tiny girl, blocking shot after shot. Defying all odds, she begins to take back ground. In one final flurry of action, the unbelievable happens...

Servant Leadership takes many forms. Be ready when the Spirit moves. 

Leader notes here

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Night To Shine - Friday Feb 10th

Night to Shine is open to students ages 14 and up. Come be a buddy - it's a party you won't soon forget. Watch the video to learn more, and click the link on the top right of this page to sign up. 

Bike Trip Early-Bird Ends Feb 1

If you're planning to go on "Bike Trip" this year be sure to register prior to Feb 1st to take advantage of early bird pricing, and save yourself $40 bucks! Click the link at the top right of this page. 

On the Menu: Pasta + Salad

Mission Needs:

Please consider adding an item below to your grocery list for Mission meals. Thank You!!

- 2L of pop or lemonade (we use 3 per week)

- Nabisco cookie variety packs (the ones with Oreos are the favorites)

- 8oz water bottles

Week of 1/16/23

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Crazy Bread Guy. We've all been there. We've all seen it. We all harbor bitterness at times, and at times that bitterness is so strong it comes out in ways we don't understand. Have you been there? You have felt it yourself? Have you seen it in others?

Allow yourself some time to daydream:

Positive outcomes in which God is honored and people are at peace. 

More discussion questions here

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January 22nd - Movie Night!

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I changed my mind! It's the perfect time for this story to be told. 

Walt Disney told some truly great stories over the years. Movies that depict the age-old battles of good versus evil. In the spirit of our story series, join me for a tale of a young person becoming an adult and finding their place in the world. 

The darkness comes for each of us. The devil in the dark tunnel will lie until the bitter end. 

A message of hope and courage comes forth: "NOT THROUGH OUR LAND."

The heroes of our fathers will guide us.

See you there, normal time. 


Meet at church at 6:30pm.  We have several parents willing to carpool to camp. Please eat dinner beforehand. 

We return to Southridge about 11am Sunday. 

Pick up your students in the Oasis after church (normal Mission drop-off spot). 

On the Menu: Popcorn and Snacks!

Mission Needs:

Please consider adding an item below to your grocery list for Mission meals. Thank You!!

- 2L of pop or lemonade (we use 3 per week)

- Nabisco cookie variety packs (the ones with Oreos are the favorites)

- 8oz water bottles

Week of 1/9/23

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If you haven't already talked about it, ask your students about the story of the squatters! 

The story I told was in parallel with Mark 12, the Parable of the Tenants. 

Everything I have as a Christian, I recognize as a gift of God. I hold everything with an open hand. 


When I try to close my hand, to take possession of the gifts of God, chaos often results. 

When I choose to pursue ownership instead of tenancy, I'm at risk of losing everything that has real importance. 

That's the story of the squatters for me! 


We'll have another story. The story will be a similar modern adaption from Matthew 8, where Jesus heals a leper. 

"At that moment, everyone in the room knew that this guy was just a miserable human being who didn't care that he was wasting our time. I couldn't imagine what made him feel he had the right to do that."

See you Sunday!

Leader Notes here

Ice Camp is (not this weekend) NEXT FRIDAY Jan 20th

Meet at church at 6:30pm.  We have several parents willing to carpool to camp. Please eat dinner beforehand. 

We return to Southridge about 11am Sunday. 

Pick up your students in the Oasis after church (normal Mission drop-off spot). 

No youth group meeting Jan 22 (the day we return from Ice Camp) 

On the Menu:
Sloppy Joe

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Mission Needs:

Please consider adding an item below to your grocery list for Mission meals. Thank You!!

- 2L of pop or lemonade (we use 3 per week)

- Nabisco cookie variety packs (the ones with Oreos are the favorites)

- 8oz water bottles

Welcome Back Students!

This Sunday we'll resume our regular Sunday night meetings. We're so excited to kick off the new year with you! 

We'll start with a mixer game, enjoy a meal of mac and cheese together, then move into worship, message, discussion, and free time. 

Our message this week is out of Mark 12:1-12. 

As I pulled up to the gate I could feel that something was off. I pressed the button and stared into the camera. It's Ben - from college? I want to talk to you guys. Can I come in? 

The gate swung open. Little did I know that just minutes later I'd be running for my life...

...aaaaand you'll have to come to youth group to hear the whole story. 

See you Sunday!

Leader Notes here

Movie Night This Wednesday @2pm in the Oasis


Movie: Princess Bride

Snacks: You bring em, and we'll raid the cabinet too!

Time: 2pm - 4:30pm

What else to bring: A blanket maybe? A giant pillow?

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Merry Christmas Everyone!
It was so great seeing everyone at the Christmas Party. We're praying a peaceful and joyous Christmas break for you and your family. We'll see you back on Jan 8th, ready to rock the new year!!

Cost Rica Deadline Approaching - Jan 7

Southridge has partnered with the Weesies family and Pura Vida Missions to begin forming a 2023 International Mission Team - and you can join! 

Dates: July 16-24

Location: San Ramon, Costa Rica (and surrounding villages)

Registration Deadline: January 7th, 2023 (THIS JANUARY)

Cost: $1,700/person 

We believe this trip will be a life-changing opportunity for all involved.


We'll be staying with Pura Vida at their mission house in the city of San Ramon and traveling to surrounding villages to run Vacation Bible School for the children there. Anyone with a desire to share the love of Jesus can join our team!


We'll be putting together several fundraising opportunities as we build our team, and we've already completed the Fall Rummage Sale with great success.

For more info check our, or contact Staci Weesies @ 269-760-8559



"It's humiliating. To share your pain with someone. You're probably going to cry, and be embarrassed."

That's probably most of what's holding us back. We don't want to reveal ourselves as hurt people. 

Ask your students whether they've ever felt like Jonathan Toomey.

When? Why? What happened? What helped?

Romans 5:8 tells us that Christ reached us while we were still lost. That seems obvious, but knowing that God will meet us in the darkest places, even when we don't want to talk to anyone else, well that gives us hope, and a future. 

This week: 12/18

It's a Party!!!

 - Amazing Food

 - Christmas Escape Room Game

 - Rocket Fizz Yankee Swap

If you're bringing a friend please TEXT BEN at the number below so we can make sure we get your friend a GIFT for the swap!!

Christmas Party.jpeg

Cost Rica Deadline Approaching - Jan 7

Southridge has partnered with the Weesies family and Pura Vida Missions to begin forming a 2023 International Mission Team - and you can join! 

Dates: July 16-24

Location: San Ramon, Costa Rica (and surrounding villages)

Registration Deadline: January 7th, 2023 (THIS JANUARY)

Cost: $1,700/person 

We believe this trip will be a life-changing opportunity for all involved.


We'll be staying with Pura Vida at their mission house in the city of San Ramon and traveling to surrounding villages to run Vacation Bible School for the children there. Anyone with a desire to share the love of Jesus can join our team!


We'll be putting together several fundraising opportunities as we build our team, and we've already completed the Fall Rummage Sale with great success.

For more info check our, or contact Staci Weesies @ 269-760-8559



"Lately I don't even know why I post. It brings me so little satisfaction."

Those were her words exactly.

We were talking about how our lives are a constant process of sorting. 

1. Look at what's in front of you through Jesus' eyes

2. Decide what's the worlds and what's God's

3. Give to the world what belongs to it, and give to God what is God's

How far would you be willing to take this? Would you be willing to delete your entire account? 

What about academics?

What about sports?

Can you participate without being completely drawn over the line? How do you set limits? 

Everything in the world is happening on two levels. This Christmas season, let the world keep what's theirs. Give God what's his. 

This week: 12/11

Coming up this week, we'll be reading the classic story, "The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey."

Bring a blanket and curl up for story time! Join us for a moving tale of the spirit and generosity all people hold in their hearts, especially during Christmas. Looking through the lens of Jesus, our discussion time will explore themes of  pain and loss, made whole through love and caring. 

Romans 5:8

Leader notes available HERE

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On the Menu: Grilled Cheese and Tots

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The Mission is Going to Costa Rica

Southridge has partnered with the Weesies family and Pura Vida Missions to begin forming a 2023 International Mission Team - and you can join! 

Dates: July 16-24

Location: San Ramon, Costa Rica (and surrounding villages)

Registration Deadline: January 7th, 2023 (THIS JANUARY)

Cost: $1,700/person 

We believe this trip will be a life-changing opportunity for all involved.


We'll be staying with Pura Vida at their mission house in the city of San Ramon and traveling to surrounding villages to run Vacation Bible School for the children there. Anyone with a desire to share the love of Jesus can join our team!


We'll be putting together several fundraising opportunities as we build our team, the first of which will be a Fall Rummage Sale.  

We encourage all students to take part in this fundraising event, but particularly if you're interested in joining the 2023 International Mission Team. This is a huge opportunity to help build relationships with your future teammates while generating some serious revenue to aid with the cost of the trip.

For more info check our, or contact Staci Weesies @ 269-760-8559


This Week - 11/29

I hope everyone had a relaxing and gratitude-filled Thanksgiving Holiday!

We're back it this upcoming Sunday night, and can't wait to see you there. 

This upcoming Sunday we're going to be talking about Mark 12:13-17, where Jesus very shrewdly answers a question about taxes. Boring right?

Especially during this season of Christmas, it's absolutely essential we give to the world what is the world's, and to God what is God's. 

Think about the physical things that are most important to you. The things you own, including the money you have. How can you keep God at the center of all your thoughts about your possessions?

Leader notes available HERE

**We will be drawing names for a Secret Santa gift exchange that will take place at our holiday celebration on 12/18.  Send Cori an e-mail if you won't be able to make it this week but still want to be included!**

The Mission is Going to Costa Rica
Info Meeting - Dec 4 at 4:45 - Oasis Couches

Southridge has partnered with the Weesies family and Pura Vida Missions to begin forming a 2023 International Mission Team - and you can join! 

Dates: July 16-24

Location: San Ramon, Costa Rica (and surrounding villages)

Registration Deadline: January 7th, 2023 (THIS JANUARY)

Cost: $1,700/person 

We believe this trip will be a life-changing opportunity for all involved.


We'll be staying with Pura Vida at their mission house in the city of San Ramon and traveling to surrounding villages to run Vacation Bible School for the children there. Anyone with a desire to share the love of Jesus can join our team!


We'll be putting together several fundraising opportunities as we build our team, the first of which will be a Fall Rummage Sale.  

We encourage all students to take part in this fundraising event, but particularly if you're interested in joining the 2023 International Mission Team. This is a huge opportunity to help build relationships with your future teammates while generating some serious revenue to aid with the cost of the trip.

For more info check our, or contact Staci Weesies @ 269-760-8559

On the Menu: Hot Dogs

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This past week we talked about how to recognize when the Holy Spirit is compelling you to do something. 

Outline the opportunity - what might happen?


Pay attention to whether you care - does the information about the opportunity resonate in you somewhere?


Ask yourself "what problem could this opportunity help with?"


Ask yourself "how bad does this problem hurt?"


Consider the possible ways in which the opportunity in front of you might help change your perspective or alleviate some of the pain or frustration you might be feeling. 


Take the LEAP OF FAITH and trust God. 


Recognize that every time God presents you with an opportunity, it's something he's been preparing for you in ways that you will not be able to see until after you've taken the leap of faith. This too, is a leap of faith. 


Decide whether you're compelled, or not compelled. 


ACT accordingly. 

Supporting documentation can be found in Romans 8:26-30 and Jeremiah 29:10-14. 


Parents: We have one spot remaining for an adult female leader. Contact Cori or Ben if you would like to attend as a leader. No training required!

Cori has the details from Rummage Sale Proceeds - if you have not paid for Ice Camp yet and your student has Rummage Sale credits, Cori will communicate with you about the exact balance that's due. 


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This Week: 

The Mission is CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING BREAK Nov 27th. We encourage you join us tonight at 7pm for a short service of thanksgiving in the Main Sanctuary. 

The Mission is Going to Costa Rica
Informational Meeting Dec 4 at 

Southridge has partnered with the Weesies family and Pura Vida Missions to begin forming a 2023 International Mission Team - and you can join! 

Dates: July 16-24

Location: San Ramon, Costa Rica (and surrounding villages)

Registration Deadline: January 7th, 2023 (THIS JANUARY)

Cost: $1,700/person 

We believe this trip will be a life-changing opportunity for all involved.


We'll be staying with Pura Vida at their mission house in the city of San Ramon and traveling to surrounding villages to run Vacation Bible School for the children there. Anyone with a desire to share the love of Jesus can join our team!


We'll be putting together several fundraising opportunities as we build our team, the first of which will be a Fall Rummage Sale.  

We encourage all students to take part in this fundraising event, but particularly if you're interested in joining the 2023 International Mission Team. This is a huge opportunity to help build relationships with your future teammates while generating some serious revenue to aid with the cost of the trip.

For more info check our, or contact Staci Weesies @ 269-760-8559


11-15-22 Video Update:


This past week we discussed the concept of being mindfully present in each moment of our lives. Jesus was present with people physically, mentally, and emotionally. His ability to be perfectly present is an example to follow. In Mark 10 Jesus said that children were very important, and that all of us should see his Kingdom through the eyes of a child.

What does this mean?

In discussion time some students identified an age (ranging from 8 to 13) when they became aware of the opinions and criticisms of other people. Students said they wished they could more easily turn off this voice in their heads because it causes unnecessary anxiety and stress. 

Students also shared about being anxious about things like upcoming tests. A test in 6th hour often means a day full of worry. 

Focus on being mindfully present in each moment. Children are most often joyful and carefree when they're actively engaged in play - imagining, pretending, building a story. In this zone, there's no stress, no worry, no fear. We can't always play, but we can try to be present in each moment, the way Jesus was. 

On the Menu: Sloppy Joes

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This Week: 

Coming up THIS SUNDAY Nov 20, we're starting out in the GYM! Wear clothes and shoes that are easy to move in. 


Our Message this week will be from Mathew 9:14-17. 

Jesus says there's no reason to fast when we're in his presence. 

He tells us he's not a patch to be put over old clothes. 

He tells us he's all new. 

Over and over, he makes us new as well.



If your students plan to help with rummage sale this week, you can wait until after the sale to pay any remaining balance (no later than 11/23). It's possible to raise the entire amount by fully participating in Rummage Sale!

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The Mission is Going to Costa Rica

Southridge has partnered with the Weesies family and Pura Vida Missions to begin forming a 2023 International Mission Team - and you can join! 

Dates: July 16-24

Location: San Ramon, Costa Rica (and surrounding villages)

Registration Deadline: January 7th, 2023 (THIS JANUARY)

Cost: $1,700/person 

We believe this trip will be a life-changing opportunity for all involved.


We'll be staying with Pura Vida at their mission house in the city of San Ramon and traveling to surrounding villages to run Vacation Bible School for the children there. Anyone with a desire to share the love of Jesus can join our team!


We'll be putting together several fundraising opportunities as we build our team, the first of which will be a Fall Rummage Sale.  

We encourage all students to take part in this fundraising event, but particularly if you're interested in joining the 2023 International Mission Team. This is a huge opportunity to help build relationships with your future teammates while generating some serious revenue to aid with the cost of the trip.

For more info check our, or contact Staci Weesies @ 269-760-8559

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A Super Easy Individual Fundraiser

Anne Buttery has gotten us set us up with a super easy and simple individual fundraiser to help students cover the costs of additional trips like Ice Camp, Bike Trip, and Missions.

1. Pick up a form the Mission (or contact Cori/Ben)

2. Offer pizza to friends and family through Nov. 20th

3. Raise a little dough!

Nobody you know likes pizza but they still want to help? They can donate the pizza back to us! 

Check your e-mail to sign up to host the lobby table and grab some sales on Sunday mornings!

Thank you Anne for helping us set this up!

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Mission Supplies

Thank you so much for your help to support our Sunday meals!  Drinks are what we go through the fastest.  If you are shopping at Sam's or Costco this week and are able to add a case of 8oz water bottles to your cart we would so appreciate it!!  Two liter bottles of pop/lemonade would be wonderful as well.

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This past week we visited our neighbors at Lighthouse Community Church, joining with their youth group for a tailgate and inspiring night of worship. 

On the Menu: Nacho Bar

This Week: 

Coming up THIS SUNDAY Nov 13, we're back to our regularly scheduled meeting. 

Our Message this week will be from Mark 10.

Jesus demonstrates perfect presence and mindfulness in the way He interacts with people, empowering life-long transformation through His encounters with others. There seems to be something especially important about His interactions with children, and in this there's something we can all learn. 

 - What are the things typically thought of as "rest" or "leisure" that often turn into frustratingly difficult work

 - If you're not actively engaged in your work, what do you most often find yourself doing?

 - What's the best way to spend leisure time if you're trying to be present in a way that gives you energy?



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Don't miss this amazing two-night winter camp experience. From broomball to worship, it's all gas!

Who: Mission Students (6th-12th Grades)
Where: Miracle Camp in Lawton
When: January 20-22, 2023
Cost: $135/student. $50 Deposit Due at Registration. balance is due on or before November 15, 2022.
⇒Spots are limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis.
If you are interested, please fill out the registration form found here via link:

Come with us to see Footloose
at Portage Northern!

Nov 13th at 2pm we'll be taking a group to see Portage Northern's production of Footloose, starring our own Haley Downey! 

Sue Ossewaarde and Staci Weesies are hosting the trip. 

Call/Text Sue at ‭+1 (269) 358-8128‬ if you're interested in going with us! 

Link to Event


The Mission is Going to Costa Rica

Southridge has partnered with the Weesies family and Pura Vida Missions to begin forming a 2023 International Mission Team - and you can join! 

Dates: July 16-24

Location: San Ramon, Costa Rica (and surrounding villages)

Registration Deadline: January 7th, 2023 (THIS JANUARY)

Cost: $1,700/person 

We believe this trip will be a life-changing opportunity for all involved.


We'll be staying with Pura Vida at their mission house in the city of San Ramon and traveling to surrounding villages to run Vacation Bible School for the children there. Anyone with a desire to share the love of Jesus can join our team!


We'll be putting together several fundraising opportunities as we build our team, the first of which will be a Fall Rummage Sale.  

We encourage all students to take part in this fundraising event, but particularly if you're interested in joining the 2023 International Mission Team. This is a huge opportunity to help build relationships with your future teammates while generating some serious revenue to aid with the cost of the trip.